Customer Testimonials

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We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

I secured several mortgages with Eugene's help. The NYME team was always very efficient and diligent! From start to finish, Eugene assisted me in the application process, and made it easy! I'd use them again in the future, and would recommend anyone in the tri-state area to do the same!

- Joe Tavernese
Lattingtown, NY | July 23, 2013

When I decided to purchase my first condo, Eugene Volynets took care of ABSOLUTELY everything! All the details were so meticulously taken care of that my participation was merely signing of the mortgage. Sometime since then, I decided to purchase a house, which I couldn't really afford at the time. Eugene, with his professionalism, industry knowledge, and a bit of creativity, arranged a two year, rent with option to buy agreement, giving me time to gather my down payment, and allowing me to get the property of my dreams!
Two things are clear:
1) Thanks to Eugene Volynets I still don't know anything about a VERY complex process of getting a mortgage!
2) NYME, with Eugene Volynets at the helm, make dreams a reality! I know, because, thanks to Eugene, I live in one!

- Maksim Chmerkovskiy
Fort Lee, NJ | July 23, 2013

I could not be more pleased with 'NY Mortgage Exchange' and their professionalism in every step of the loan refinancing all the way to the closing. Thank you guys for promptly returning my calls and emails. Thank you for saving me tons of money by taking time to restore lost paperwork from my previous refinance. I would very highly recommend 'NY Mortgage Exchange' to everyone looking for quick, professional and painless experience.

- Alex Oster
Great Neck, NY | August 02, 2013

New York Mortgage Exchange

369 Avenue X
Brooklyn, New York 11223
Phone: 718-339-3600
Fax: 718-339-3655
NMLS: 93848


New York Mortgage Exchange (NMLS# 93848) located at 369 Avenue X, Brooklyn, New York 11223 is a Registered Mortgage Broker - NYS Department of Financial Services License A000701. Licensed Mortgage Broker NJ Dept of Banking & Insurance # 303170.

All loans are arranged thru third party providers.